



さて、2024年11月後半よりお預かりしたアメリカ向け越境EC貨物(FDA対象貨物 )の一部に遅延が発生いたしました。
当該貨物は、年末繁忙期における貨物量の増加とそれに伴うFDA(Food and Drug Administration/米国食品医薬局)における検査頻度が増加したことで、検査時間が大幅に遅延したことで輸入許可が下りない状況が継続されております。



Delivery delays, the FDA Subjected E-Commerce shipments from Japan to USA

We deeply apologize for the delivery delay of the FDA subjected E-commerce shipments into the United States that have been received since late November 2024.
The delay has occurred only FDA (Food and Drug Administration) subjected E-commerce consignments. The increase in whole cargo volume, not only handled by OCS, during the busy year-end season into the US and made numbers of FDA inspections increased. This situation has affected later releases from the Customs that are required for FDA authorization.
At present, it takes up to 30 days for import customs clearance and FDA inspections. We, OCS, are currently working closely with CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) and the FDA to resolve the delays.

Again, we would like to express our sincerest apologies that these delivery delays may cause you inconvenience. However, we appreciate it if you would understand the situation surrounding us and accept our sincerest apologies. 

E-commerce Sales Promotion Department
Sales Division
Overseas Courier Service Co., Ltd